How Do You Know Which Arthritis You Have in Hands

Most of us don't give too much thought to hand wellness—until we take hurting. We use our hands for most everything we practice, including the activities nosotros love well-nigh. And so when those everyday activities brainstorm to become difficult or painful because of atmospheric condition like hand arthritis, it tin be devastating.

Arthritis in the easily is considered one of the most debilitating forms of arthritis. This blog commodity volition ascertain its almost mutual types and causes, too equally explore options for managing and treating this painful condition.

3 Common Types of Paw Arthritis

There are several different kinds of arthritis, but hither we'll focus on these three types:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis


Osteoarthritis of the hands is the about common cause of hand arthritis. In fact, about half of all women and a quarter of all men volition experience it by the time they hitting historic period 85.

Besides known as "wear and tear" or degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis causes the cartilage to break down and wear away. Without that cartilage, your hand bones rub together, leading to pain, stiffness, and loss of motility.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This blazon of hand arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes the lining of the joints to corking, which, like osteoarthritis, leads to pain, stiffness, and loss of movement. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune affliction. It typically affects the small joints of your wrists, hands, and fingers.

For most patients, the same joints on both sides of their body are affected by rheumatoid arthritis. So, for example, if you take arthritis in the finger joints of 1 hand, you lot'll likely experience symptoms in the aforementioned joints of your other hand likewise.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a course of hand arthritis that affects your skin and joints. Your fingers volition become swollen. You will likewise probable feel articulation pain and stiffness in the mornings with this condition.

Psoriatic arthritis is similar to rheumatoid arthritis in many ways but it may only involve your fingers.

Common Symptoms

Different symptoms can occur depending on the blazon you have and how advanced your status is

Frequent signs of mitt arthritis include:

  • Pain. Depending on how advanced your arthritis is, the pain may exist boring or sharp. The pain volition come and become or go worse the more than you use your hands. Increased pain and stiffness in the morning are also common, and hurting may even wake you lot upward at dark.
  • Swelling. The tissues surrounding your joint may slap-up and get red and tender to the impact.
  • Stiffness. As arthritis progresses, you may experience some loss of movement, and it may get difficult to open up and close your fingers completely.
  • Weakness. Your hands may go weak and everyday activities—like opening a pickle jar or starting your auto—can become difficult.
  • Crepitus. When the surfaces of your joints rub together, you may feel a grating, clicking, or cracking sensation.
  • Nodules. Bony lumps may course on the middle joint of your finger or at the joint near your fingertip.
  • Joint deformity. Finger joints can go big and misshapen due to bone changes, loss of cartilage, loose ligaments, and swelling that can occur with hand arthritis.

What Causes Paw Arthritis?

There are over two dozen bones that make up our hand and wrist. These bones come together to form many tiny joints, which are cushioned with cartilage. When that cartilage becomes worn out or is damaged, the joints tin can become stiff and painful.

Who's at Hazard of Developing Arthritis in Their Hands?

Manus arthritis can impact anyone, merely at that place are certain gamble factors and groups at higher run a risk of developing the condition, including:

  • Age. The older yous are, the more likely you are to have hand arthritis.
  • Gender. Women are more likely to exist affected by hand arthritis than men.
  • Race. Caucasians are more often affected than other ethnicities.
  • Weight. People who are considered obese are more probable to have paw arthritis than thinner people.
  • Genes. Some people are genetically predisposed to develop osteoarthritis, and oftentimes at a younger age.
  • By injury. Some people who take previously suffered from a dislocated or broken articulation are more probable to develop arthritis over time, even if their mitt specialists appropriately treated their injuries.
  • Articulation problems. Joint infections, loose ligaments, or poorly aligned or overused joints can also lead to hand arthritis.

Diagnosis and Handling

When being evaluated for hand arthritis, your doctor will examine your hands and joints for signs of the condition. They may besides take Ten-rays to identify any cartilage loss or the formation of bone spurs. This information, along with your medical and family history, will help the md make a proper diagnosis.

Depending on the blazon and severity of your hand arthritis, different treatment options are bachelor to aid you manage your symptoms and go dorsum to the activities you enjoy.

Non-Drug Treatments

A brace or splint tin can be used to reduce the joint strain associated with paw arthritis. Specific manus exercises or hot or cold therapy may likewise exist recommended to help ease arthritis pain.

Drug Treatments

Certain medications for hand arthritis in the class of pills, syrups, or creams may be taken or even injected into the joint, including pain relievers, counterirritants like capsaicin or menthol, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids.

Surgical Treatments

If the above treatment options don't provide relief, surgery may be recommended. An orthopedic surgeon tin can remove the damaged cartilage and fuse bones together or supplant the damaged joint with an implant.

Artificial hand joint implants are designed to save your pain and tin can help restore role in your hand. Artificial implants for your fingers and thumb are the latest advancements in the treatment of arthritis.

Go Relief for Manus Arthritis

If you've been suffering from painful hand arthritis, our experienced hand specialists tin aid you lot experience amend.

Accept back control of your hands. Asking an appointment today
Adopt to schedule by telephone? Call us at (317) 751-5904.

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