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We all want to be appreciated. Whether you've accustomed a task while your plate is already total, worked through weekends to get a project off the basis, or simply been in that location for a work friend when they needed your support, an acknowledgement or "thank you" can go a long way in making u.s. feel adept about the efforts we put in — and the research supports this.

A recent written report from McKinsey & Company found that although most employers believe that the large number of people who quit their jobs this year were looking for better bounty, most were leaving considering they didn't feel valued and lacked a sense of belonging at work. Some other study institute that receiving more than frequent appreciation from our colleagues and managers doesn't merely make us experience respected, it'due south too linked to better performance.

The many benefits of gratitude may be explained by the feel-good chemicals released in our brains upon expressing or receiving it. Dopamine and serotonin are two neurotransmitters responsible for immediately uplifting our moods. When we give or feel thanks daily, nosotros strengthen these neural pathways.

The problem is that many of us hold fears effectually expressing our cheers to others. I've seen this fourth dimension and once again through my work grooming leaders in the fine art of recognition and engagement. Some people want to limited appreciation more often simply fright that their efforts volition exist misinterpreted or make the person on the receiving end uncomfortable. Others struggle to observe the right words to limited what they feel, or they worry that their remarks might be seen equally kissing upward or as masking a subconscious agenda.

While these fears are valid, they can likewise stop united states from experiencing the long list of rewards gratitude has to offer. One method I've found useful for overcoming them is starting small, with a simple thank-you lot note. There are a few simple rules y'all can follow to make sure your efforts are taken to eye (and not negatively misinterpreted).

Rules for Crafting a Meaningful Give thanks-You lot Annotation

Keep it genuine.

The goal of expressing appreciation is to let someone know how their actions have impacted you and/or others. If yous have whatever other agenda, your message will not be authentic. Still, you need to exist thoughtful with your words if you want to come up beyond equally 18-carat.

Fix the context.

If y'all've ever been surprised by a compliment, then you know that it tin feel good — and simultaneously jarring. This is because you are trying to have in the other person's words while also interpreting their intentions, especially if the compliment arrives late or catches you off guard.

As the person giving cheers, you can put the recipient at ease past sharing the context of your message (or what prompted you to arroyo them) first.


  • I was reflecting on our last project over the weekend, and I realized I never said give thanks yous.
  • Nosotros have been so decorated lately that I realized I haven't taken the time to express my appreciation for all your not bad work.
  • I was reading an article in HBR about expressing appreciation and I thought of you.

Share what you lot appreciate and why.

Next, focus on the impact their deportment have had on you. It may exist every bit uncomplicated as bringing a grin to your face on a tough day or as large as supporting you through a difficult catamenia. Be specific, and explicate both what you appreciate and why. In doing so, y'all'll help the other person understand the reason you experience the way you practice.

Example i:

What you appreciate:

Every bit you know, last year was extremely hard for me. I was trying to work from home while taking care of my parents at the same fourth dimension. No matter how busy we were, you fabricated time in every meeting to inquire near my parents and check in on how I was doing.

Why you appreciate information technology:

I know this is merely who y'all are, but your check-ins always fabricated me feel amend and helped me navigate this concluding yr.

Example 2:

What you lot appreciate:

The other day I was feeling completely overwhelmed and alone trying to become the report washed for the client meeting. I know information technology may accept been unproblematic for y'all, only when you lot stepped upwards and offered to help format the last certificate, it fabricated a huge difference.

Why you lot appreciate it:

A lot of people offering support, but few put their words into action, and I can't limited how much your support helped me become the job washed and made me feel similar a part of the team.

Case 3:

What you appreciate:

I know information technology took courage for you to requite me honest feedback afterwards my terminal presentation. I want you to know I really appreciate your doing that.

Why you appreciate it:

I ever ask for feedback, but people rarely say annihilation more than, "You did slap-up." Your feedback helped me rethink my presentation and gave me physical things to work on. That's exactly what I needed to better.

Close the message.

With the cadre of the message drafted, information technology'due south time to finish the thank-you note. You can do this with a simple, straightforward "thank you" or a more detailed sign off.


  • Thank you lot over again, I actually appreciate working with you.
  • Even though I may not say it all the fourth dimension, I capeesh all you lot do.
  • Thank you again for your support, it made a real divergence for me.
  • Thank you for all that you do.
  • Thank you lot!

Send it.

E-mails go lost and handwritten cards go saved. Therefore, write your message on a piece of paper, mail service-information technology annotation, or card and give information technology straight to the person. If y'all're at work, get out it on their desk or in their "mailbox." If you're not going to encounter them for a while, snap a photo of your message and ship the person the film, or better yet, postal service the bill of fare to them.

Sending a paw-written message is important because information technology gives the other person the opportunity to accept in your appreciation without feeling the pressure to respond on the spot. If you know the person tin can feel uncomfortable with praise, remove the pressure to answer by saying something like, "Please don't feel compelled to answer. I simply wanted to let yous know I appreciate working with y'all."

Ways to Make Your "Thanks" Meaningful

If you're thinking about what to say when you lot extend a "thank y'all" to your colleagues, hither are some sample messages from common workplace scenarios:

1) Your colleague stepped in when you needed to have some time off.

Hey Kevin,

I just got back from spending some much-needed time away with my family. I wanted to thank y'all for stepping up and covering for me when I was gone. I know yous already have a lot on your plate and the fact that you took on my workload also means a lot to me. I just desire you lot to know I really appreciate what you did.


2) Someone did something actually kind for you. (Sent you lot a care parcel, threw y'all a birthday political party, fabricated y'all notes from a meeting that wasn't recorded, or reached out to check in when you lot were not feeling well.)

Hi Maria,

I only received the care package you sent and wanted to say thank you. As you know, work has been barbarous these last few weeks and when I got the package in the mail today, it made my day. Thank you for all that you exercise to make us feel cared for at work. It makes a huge divergence!

3) Someone advocated for you lot to get a enhance or promotion.

How-do-you-do Kira,

I heard from Aya that you lot put my name forrard for a promotion and I wanted to say thanks. Regardless of whether I go it or not, I am honored you lot idea of me for the position, and I can't thank you plenty for all of the time yous've invested to help me grow over these last few years. I feel extremely lucky to exist able to learn from yous as a leader and capeesh all that yous take done for me.

Thank you.

iv) Your team members accept been working overtime to get some challenging projects finished.

Hi Jose,

We accept been and so busy lately that I realized I haven't taken the fourth dimension to limited my appreciation. I know the workload has been a lot these by few weeks as we try to wrap up our large project.  You have been working your tail off, putting in extra hours, and doing so many things behind the scenes to make this happen.  I appreciate all that you do, and I honey having you on our squad. We could not practise this great work without your invaluable contributions.

5) Your boss gave you an opportunity to take the atomic number 82 in a high-contour meeting.

How-do-you-do Mohamad,

I was thinking almost last week's presentation over the weekend, and I wanted to say thank y'all.

I know that this was a very large business relationship, and you took a take chances in letting me have the atomic number 82. I really appreciate what yous did. I had shared that I wanted to become more exposure in our last one on one, and it means a lot that you took that seriously and fabricated information technology happen. I know that not all managers do that, and I feel extremely lucky to get to piece of work with you.

six) A squad member received some difficult feedback and took action on it.

Hi Ira,

I wanted to let you know I really appreciate how much you've been working on the things we spoke well-nigh. Getting challenging feedback is never piece of cake, and many people go defensive and never do anything about it.

Over the last two months, I have seen you actually shift how you interact with others. I take watched yous ask more than questions in meetings, ask others for input, and put their recommendations into practice. Equally a result, I accept seen your work and the team's piece of work ameliorate for the better.

I but desire to allow you know I see the difference and capeesh everything you are doing to grow.  Keep information technology up, it's inspiring!

vii) Someone has just been dandy to work with.

Hullo Vlad,

I was laughing hysterically subsequently the last message you sent on Slack and just wanted to let y'all know you are amazing to work with. I know this is just who yous are, but the fact you can find something to express joy or grinning about in these difficult times always brightens my day. One matter that actually impresses me is your ability to go from making jokes to excavation in and getting work done. I hope this note brightens your mean solar day in the same way you regularly brighten mine (and others)!

So go alee and write out that thank-you annotation. Non only will it make yous happy just the person receiving it volition have a great day as well.